Faculty & Non-Faculty Civil Engineers Required in University of Engineering & Technology, Taxila

Saad Iqbal | 🗓️Modified: October 31, 2016 | ⏳Read Time: 4 min | 👁Post Views: 647

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Associate & Assistant Professor, Lecturer, Lab Engineer & Assistant Engineer Required in UET, Taxila

University of Engineering and Technology (UET) , Taxila requires applications from dynamic, dedicated and competent professionals (Male and Female) domiciled in the province of Punjab for the appointment in the University, on contract / regular / temporary / project Basis TTS where applicable is open to all Pakistani Nationals.

  Industry Teaching, Associate Professor (Civil), Assistant Professor (Civil), Lecturer (Civil), Lab. Engineer (Civil), Assistant Engineer (Civil) Required.
Functional Area As Per HEC Rules
Total Positions Associate Professor = 01, Assistant Professor = 1, Lecturer = 01, Lab Engineer = 01, Assistant (Engineer) Civil =91
Company Name University of Engineering and Technology, Taxil
Job Type Contract / Regular / Temporary & Permanent
Job Location Taxila and subcampus Chakwal
Gender Male / Female
Age(Max) Assistant Professor = 25, Associate Professor = upto 40 years, Lecturer = 22 to 30 years, Lab engineer = 22 – 30 years, Assitant Engineer = 21-45 years,
Education For Faculty Position as per HEC Rule, For Assistant Civil Engineer = B.Sc. (Civil Engineering)
Career Level
Experience Assistant Civil Engineer = 5 years expereince in construction and project implementation, PEC Registration required.
Newspaper Jang

How to Apply

You have to submit Postal Order or Bank Draft / Bank Chalan in favor of Treasurer, UET, Taxila of value 250 or 200 or 150 or 100 as required. send application through courier,

Contact Number +92-51-9047406
Apply @ :
Apply Now
Email [email protected]
Last Date to Apply

function checkd(){ var d = new Date(); var DDate = d.getDate(); var DMonth = d.getMonth(); var DYear = d.getFullYear(); var LDate = \’21-11-2016\’; var TDate = DDate + \”-\” + DMonth + \”-\” + DYear; dateFirst = LDate.split(\’-\’); dateSecond = TDate.split(\’-\’); tempd = dateFirst[1]-1; var dateOne = new Date(dateFirst[2], tempd, dateFirst[0]); //Year, Month, Date //last date var dateTwo = new Date(dateSecond[2], dateSecond[1], dateSecond[0]); // current date if (dateOne >= dateTwo) { document.getElementById(\”rdate\”).innerHTML = \”Hurry Up!!!! you can apply by : \” + dateFirst[0] + \” – \” + dateFirst[1] + \” – \” + dateFirst[2]; } if (dateOne < dateTwo) { document.getElementById("rdate").innerHTML = " Sorry!!!, The Last Date has gone, you are Late.\”; } } checkd();

Address UET, Taxila
Categories Faculty Jobs, University Lecturer Jobs, Assistant Engineer Jobs in University, ,
Sub Categories Faculty Jobs, Non-Faculty Jobs in University,

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