Saad Iqbal | 🗓️Modified: October 29, 2016 | ⏳Read Time: 3 min | 👁Post Views: 842
The book with Title \”Contract Practice for Surveyors\” provides a useful reference for degree students, graduates, practitioners engaged in all aspects of construction contracts, and candidates sitting membership examinations of the various construction industry professional associations. We hope that the detailed examples will continue to meet the need for clear guidance in the practical procedures relating to contract practice.

The first two editions of the book were written principally for those employed in private practice or in central or local government departments. However, it is recognized that contractors’ surveyors are now playing a more important role in the area of contract administration as reflected in the current JCT contracts. The fourth edition reflects this changing role and provides a balanced view of the work undertaken by both the client’s and contractor’s surveyor. Throughout the book, where specific reference is made to surveyors in construction companies, the term ‘contractor’s surveyor’ is used; where reference is to surveyors in general, the term ‘the surveyor’ is used.
Title of the Book
Contract Practice for Surveyors
Authors of Book
Jack Ramus
Simon Birchall
Phill Griffiths
Contents of Book
1. Contracts and the Surveyor
2. Building Procurement
3. Contract Selection
4. Tendering Methods and Procedures
5. Examining and reporting on tenders
6. The Contract
7. Variations and Instructions
8. Fluctuations
9. Claims
10. Interim Valuations
11. Final Accounts
12. Cost Control
13. Capital Allowances
14. Indemnity and Insurance
15. Health and Safety
16. Collateral Warranties
17. Guarantees and Bons
18. Value Management
19. Insolvency
20. Dispute Resolution
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