Book on Construction Delays Extensions of Time and Prolongation Claims by Roger Gibson [PDF]

Saad Iqbal | 🗓️Modified: December 28, 2016 | ⏳Read Time: 3 min | 👁Post Views: 173
There are a number of excellent books on construction claims; and many other construction books that devote sections and chapters to construction claims. However, the majority of these works give very little guidance on the preparation of time-related delay claims, and even less guidance on the preparation of extension of time submissions.

Throughout this book the term “delay analsysis” is used, being a generalization to cover both extension of time submission and the time-related aspects of delay claims. Although there are various sophisticated delay analysis techniques around today, in its essence delay analysis is a fact based process.

The aim here is to provide this guidance, particularly in relation to extension of time submission. The contents of this volume are intended to outline the information and practical details to be considered when formulating extension of time submissions and time-related delay claims.

One of the recurring themes is good record keeping on projects. While a lack of progress-related records may not be fatal to a claim, it does make reaching a reasonable settlement an uphill battle.

Readers will observe my continuing advice on good record keeping.
This book will provide useful guidance for those responsible for preparing extension of time submissions and time-related delay claims as well as for those dealing with them, the aim being that they can be resolved amicably, professionally and without either party being seriously disadvantaged.

Title of the Book

Construction Delays Extensions of Time and Prolongation Claims

Author of the Book

Roger Gibson

Contents of the Book

Part 1 – Introduction
Part 2 – Programmes and Record Keeping
Part 3 – Contracts and Case Law
Part 4 – The ‘Throny issues’
Part 5 –  Extension of Time
Part 6 – Prolongation claims (and time-related costs)

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