How many yards in a ton of Gravel, Sand, Cement, Rock?

Now a days, there is a common question which is being asked daily is “How many yards in a ton?” That’s when you’re dealing with materials like gravel, sand, cement, and rock. Knowing the number of yards in a ton helps you in your next landscaping or home improvement project.   So, keep on reading … Read more

How many Bricks needed to build a house? 1000 sq ft, 1,500 sq. ft, 1,600, 1,800 sq.ft.

So, you’re looking to build a house and want to know how many bricks you require for a 1000 square foot house. Well, be it 1,000 or 1,500 or 1,600, or 1,800 square foot of a house. The exact number of bricks required for a house depends on various factors like: So, it’s true that … Read more

Grouting Vs Vitrification Properties – Material – Process

While we’re talking about “Grouting vs Vitrification”; we’re comparing two of the most common methods used to fill gaps and crannies. While the grout is a mixture of cement, sand, water, and admixtures is typically used to fill gaps or crevices.  Vitrification, on the other hand, is a process involves use of porcelain or stoneware … Read more