Sheet Piling Installation a Complete Video

Sheet piling is an earth retention and excavation support technique that retains soil, using steel sheet sections with interlocking edges. Sheet piles are installed in sequence to design depth along the planned excavation perimeter or seawall alignment. The interlocked sheet piles form a wall for permanent or temporary lateral earth support with reduced groundwater inflow. … Read more

Frame Structure Behavior Well Explained [VIDEO]

Frame Structures are one of the mostly used type of structure system in the world including Homes, Plazas and even sky-scrappers. But the behavior of this frame structure is not easy to understand. For this recently a device have been made which will help the students to understand the behavior of the frame structures very … Read more

Rigid Pavement Steel Mesh Positioning Chair

In Rigid Concrete Pavement, most of the time is consumed while fixing the steel mesh and this rebar mesh positioning chair will save your time and cost. Its stunning for the time saving and cost saving projects. [youtube]

Automatic Cleaning of Highways from Snow and Ice [VIDEO]

The Winter is here and the difficulty mostly faced by most of the highway users is the snow that always get the traffic stuck in there. Now scientist have invented such a machine that automatically clears the snow and place in the dumper which is than taken to the dumping site. [youtube]

Amazing wall rendering machine, Automatic wall plastering machine AWQ800

In Building Construction the Brick masonry construction is a time-taking job, especially when the walls are load bearing. The finishing work in Building Construction is comparatively more time-consuming then the construction of the skeletal structure. Scientists have recently developed an automatic machine that can do the plastering work for you just in few minutes, Yeah … Read more