Ghaziabad: Flyover construction in Vasundhara to begin by Oct 2

Saad Iqbal | 🗓️Modified: September 28, 2016 | ⏳Read Time: 3 min | 👁Post Views: 750

GHAZIABAD – INDIA – Construction of the Vasundhara flyover is likely to start by October 2, said officials. The project aims to decongest the intersection of the road from Vasundhara with Mohan Nagar Link Road and is expected to be completed in a year.

There is a huge flow of vehicles at Vasundhara intersection every day as traffic from Noida, Delhi and Sahibabad converges at the spot.

According to Ghaziabad development authority (GDA) officials, work on pile testing was started at the intersection on Monday.

“Pile testing is being conducted at the intersection to assess the flyover’s foundation. This will go on for five to six days. Construction will be started by October 2,” said AK Gupta, chief engineer, GDA.
The construction is being executed by the UP State Bridge Corporation and the GDA together at a cost of Rs 45 crore, according to Gupta. The length of the proposed flyover is 3.8 kilometres, officials said.

“Construction of the flyover will make the Vasundhara intersection signal-free. Vehicles coming from Vaishali or Delhi will be able to avoid Vasundhara via the flyover and reach Mohan Nagar directly,” he said.

According to the flyover design, vehicles coming from Vaishali will be able to take the flyover from near the Vaishali Metro station (near Bikanerwala, and Country Inn and Suites) and get down on Madan Mohan Malviya Marg, at the foot overbridge near Sangam auto showroom.

“Vehicles coming from Site-4 Sahibabad industrial area and from CISF Link Road will go under the flyover. However, if they wish to go straight down the intersection, they will not be able to do so and will have to take a U-turn after the flyover as the intersection will be made signal-free,” Gupta said.
According to officials, construction of the flyover will help ease traffic at the intersection. Huge snarls take place at the intersection every day with large queues of vehicles forming on the CISF Link Road following the jams.

“Vasundhara intersection is one of the busiest in the area. It is also accident-prone. The construction of a flyover is a must here as traffic is increasing here every day,” said Anil Kumar, traffic inspector, Ghaziabad.

source: Hindustantimes

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