Download Basics of Engineering Drawing By Zahid Ahmad Siddique [PDF]

Saad Iqbal | 🗓️Modified: October 26, 2015 | ⏳Read Time: 3 min | 👁Post Views: 575
Engineering Drawing, also called technical drawing and engineering graphics, is the graphical representation of shape of any physical object which may be a part of a machine, a building, a dam, or any other complicated structure. The shape of some simple objects like spheres, cubes, cylinders, etc., may be described in words and sentences but ordinary language fails for complicated objects. Even if a thick book is written to describe the shape of a building, the reader will not be able to conceive the exact shape of that building with all its minor details. It can be safely said that it is almost impossible to describe the shape of an object in words and hence only three methods are left for the purpose namely camera photographs, models and drawings. 
Basics of Engineering Drawing By Zahid Ahmad Siddiqi

Title of the Book

Basics of Engineering Drawing

Author of the Book

Zahid Ahmad Siddiqi

About the Author

Zahid Ahmad Siddiqi, Ph.D., is a Professor in Civil Engineering Department of University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore. He is author of previous edition of this book published in 1992 besides various editions of four more books on subject titles “Steel Structures” , “LRFD Steel Design Aids”, “Concrete Structures, Part-I” and “Concrete Structures, Part-II”. He has teaching, research and practical design experience of almost 27 years. He has vast experience of teaching to undergraduate and graduate students of Civil Engineering. He is actively involved in field design of sizeable concrete and steel structures. 

Contents of the Book

Chapter # 1 – Introduction
Chapter # 2 – Use of instruments and lettering
Chapter # 3 – Orthographic Drawing
Chapter  # 4 – Sectional Views
Chapter # 5 – Pictorial Sketching
Chapter # 6 – Building Drawing
Chapter # 7 – Intersection and Development of Surfaces

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