Beam Bridge – Types – Examples – Advantages – Materials

Muhammad Zubair Saleem | 🗓️Modified: August 12, 2023 | ⏳Read Time: 7 min | 👁Post Views: 618

Beam bridges are fundamental structures used to span gaps and support loads, playing a crucial role in transportation infrastructure. Understanding the different aspects of beam bridges, such as beam types, cross-sections, equilibrium conditions, and support conditions, is essential for successful bridge design and construction. In this article, we will explore these key elements to provide a comprehensive understanding of beam bridges.

Types of Beams Based on Geometry

Beams used in bridge construction can be categorized into various types based on their geometric configuration. Let’s examine some common types:

Simply Supported Beam

The simply supported beam is the most basic and widely used type of beam in bridge construction. It consists of a beam supported at each end by piers or abutments, allowing it to freely rotate and move vertically. Simply supported beams are suitable for shorter spans and are often used in pedestrian bridges and small roadways.

Continuous Beam

A continuous beam comprises multiple spans supported by piers or intermediate supports. Unlike simply supported beams, continuous beams are connected, creating a continuous load path. This design provides enhanced structural integrity and allows for longer span lengths. Continuous beams are commonly used in highway bridges, railway bridges, and larger roadway systems.

Cantilever Beam

A cantilever beam is a unique beam configuration that extends horizontally from a vertical support, with one end anchored and the other end projecting freely. Cantilever beams are ideal for mega projects like over passes and long span bridges. These work best without the need for intermediate supports.

Arch Beam

An arch beam combines the arch design with horizontal beams to create a sturdy and visually appealing structure. The beams follow the shape of an arch, providing additional strength and load-bearing capacity. Arch beams are widely recognized for their architectural beauty and can be found in various historical and modern bridge constructions.

Box Beam

The box beam features a beam shaped like a box or hollow rectangle.

These beams are used in areas subjected to earthquake activity or in coastal areas. These beams are used where durability and resistant to environment is major concern and additionally provide the strength, load carrying capacity and stiffness.

Types of Beams Based on Cross-Section

The cross-sectional shape of a beam also affects its structural behavior and load-carrying capacity. Let’s explore some common cross-sectional shapes used in beam bridges:

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Rectangular Beam

Rectangular beams have a simple rectangular cross-section, consisting of a horizontal top and bottom flange and a vertical web. Due to their simpler design and easiness of construction, they are widely used.

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I-beam is a general term used for H shaped or I shaped beam cross sections. The horizontal and vertical members are called flange and web respectively. These beams provide excellent load carrying capacity along with strength to weight ratio.

I-beams are commonly used in medium to large-scale bridge projects.


T-beams resemble the letter “T” when viewed from the side, with a vertical web and a horizontal top flange. They offer increased moment of inertia, making them suitable for wider bridge decks and higher load-carrying capacity.


C-beams, also known as channel beams, have a shape resembling the letter “C.” They feature a vertical web and horizontal flanges on both sides. C-beams provide excellent bending resistance and are commonly used in bridge construction.


L-beams have an L-shaped profile, resembling the letter “L” when viewed from the side. They consist of a horizontal top flange and a vertical web. L-beams offer enhanced resistance against bending forces and are commonly used in railway bridges and structures subjected to heavy loads.

Equilibrium Conditions for Beam Bridges

To ensure the stability and structural integrity of a beam bridge, it must satisfy equilibrium conditions. Let’s examine these conditions:

Static Equilibrium

A beam bridge must satisfy static equilibrium, which requires the sum of all vertical forces and the sum of all horizontal forces to be zero. This ensures that the bridge remains in a stable and balanced state under the applied loads.

Transverse Equilibrium

Transverse equilibrium refers to the balance of forces perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the bridge. It ensures that the bridge resists lateral forces, such as wind or traffic loads, without excessive deflection or deformation.

Longitudinal Equilibrium

Longitudinal equilibrium ensures that the bridge resists the longitudinal forces resulting from changes in temperature and dynamic loads, such as vehicle movement. It prevents the bridge from experiencing excessive expansion or contraction that could lead to structural failure.

Support Conditions for Beam Bridges

The support conditions of a beam bridge determine how the bridge is supported at its ends or along its span. Let’s explore some common support conditions:

Simply Supported

Simply supported bridges have supports at each end that allow for vertical movement and rotation. They are the most common support condition for beam bridges, providing stability while allowing the bridge to expand and contract with temperature variations.

Fixed Support

A fixed support prevents both vertical and horizontal movement at the support location. This type of support is commonly used in continuous beam bridges and provides increased rigidity and stability.

Continuous Support

Continuous support refers to intermediate supports along the span of the bridge. These supports provide additional points of stability and help distribute the load evenly, reducing the stress on individual spans.

Examples of Beam Bridges

Name of BridgeLocationHeightLength Width
Manchac SwampLouisiana USA15 m36690 m95 m
Feiyunjiang BridgeRui’an China162 m2596 m37 m

Advantages of Beam Bridges

Here’re some of pros of beam bridges:

  • Easy construction – These bridges are pretty easy to construct. Moreover, maintenance is pretty easy.
  • Easy to use – No matter you’re building the bridge in rural or urban area- the beam bridge is the best bet.
  • Rest on simple support
  • Survive through thermal expansion
  • Economical as compared to other bridges

Disadvantages of Beam Bridges

Here’re some disadvantages:

  • Only suitable and effective for small spans. Not recommended for long spans.
  • Sometimes the maintenance is frequently required.
  • Can sag under excessive load.
  • Not good in aesthetic view point.


Beam bridges are versatile structures that rely on various beam types, cross-sectional shapes, equilibrium conditions, and support conditions to ensure their stability and functionality.

By understanding these aspects, engineers can design and construct beam bridges that meet the specific requirements of a project. Whether it’s a simply supported beam, an I-beam, or a cantilever beam, each configuration offers unique advantages and is suitable for different bridge applications.

The proper selection of beam type, cross-section, equilibrium conditions, and support conditions is crucial to the success of a beam bridge project, ensuring safe and efficient transportation infrastructure.

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